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HKTDC 香港貿發局線上廣告 (Banner and App)+ Facebook post + Google Banner 橫幅廣告 (一年)

HKTDC 香港貿發局線上廣告 (Banner and App)+ Facebook post + Google Banner 橫幅廣告 (一年)

定價 HK$80,000.00
定價 售價 HK$80,000.00
特價 售罄

Online Advertising Items

Items 1. Run-of-site Banner Ads on hktdc.com Sourcing & Fair Websites (Year-round Promotion)

Land to advertiser's webpage on hktdc.com Sourcing

Visuals to be provided by advertiser

Desktop version: 728x90 pixels

•Mobile version (ind App): 300x250 pixels


To be shown randomly in the following pages:

Sourcing Homepage

Product / Service Search Result Page

Category Browsing Page

Product / Service Details Page etc


Items 2. HKTDC Marketplace App Push Notification (Fair-related Promotion :Mar /Apr 2022) X1


Push notification(one message and push once)

Client's service/product promotion landing page


Content to be provided by client and layout development by HKTDC

Available in Eng, TC, SC

Maximum 400 characters with 2photos

Advertisers could choose to push the message either to“All” or up to 3 user preferences

Materials submission deadline

-15 Feb for Mar Fairs 2022

-15 Mar for Apr Fairs 2022


Items 3. Feature on Social media Accounts of hktdc.com Sourcing (Year-round promotion) X 1

Articles/Posts featured on officialWeChat / Facebook / LinkedIn account ofhktdc.com Sourcing(With Boosting on Facebook/LinkedIn)


Items 4. 1 個 Google 橫幅廣告 (包圖片製作和廣告瞄準)

欲知更多詳情/客製計劃,請聯絡 2492 8667 或電郵至 contact@ysd.hk。
