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Tram Shelter Coverage Package (C1) - Any 3 Dominations

Tram Shelter Coverage Package (C1) - Any 3 Dominations

定價 HK$150,000.00
定價 售價 HK$150,000.00
特價 售罄

3 Weeks

Shelter Dominations (Single/Double side, without shelter top)

Any 3 Dominations of the below:

53E 3 front panels only - Causeway Bay Paterson Street Hang Lung Centre
40W 3 front panels only - Causeway Bay Lau Sin Street Nina Hotel
45E 3 front panels only - Wan Chai Fleming Road Taiyau Plaza
49E 3 front panels only - Causeway Bay Canal Rd West Wan Chai Fire Station
33E 2 front panels and 2 back panels - Central Murray Road BOC
66W 3 front panels and 3 back panels - Admiralty Cotton Tree Drive BOC HQ2
110 2 front panels and 2 back panels - Happy Valley Queens Road East Cosmo Hotel
86W 3 front panels only - Western Western Street Western Police Station

(Included standard production cost and design fee)
